Decision model for pedestrian interacting with traffic at uncontrolled intersections

Kai Tian, Gustav Markkula, Chongfeng Wei, Richard Romano

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

3 Citations (Scopus)


With the continuous advancement of automated vehicles (AVs), there is growing concern about how AVs interact with vulnerable road users, particularly pedestrians. As a result, this emerging concern has given rise to extensive research into computational pedestrian behaviour models. However, very limited existing approaches modelled pedestrian crossing behaviour from an anthropomorphic perspective. Therefore, this study proposed a decision model for pedestrians interacting with traffic at uncontrolled intersections based on a human perception theory. Meanwhile, for the first time, we specified a kind of traffic flow-induced effect where pedestrians optimise their decisions by comparing the perceived risk of different traffic gaps. Furthermore, based on a deconstructed road-crossing decision process, we modelled pedestrian decisions and their timing in detail. A dataset collected in a CAVE-based simulator was applied to calibrate and validate the model. The results indicated that the proposed model fitted the data well and reasonably predicted pedestrian crossing decisions across a range of traffic flow scenarios. The model provides insights into the understanding and model pedestrian-AV interactions.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the IEEE 25th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, ITSC 2022
PublisherInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
ISBN (Electronic)9781665468800
ISBN (Print)9781665468817
Publication statusPublished - 01 Nov 2022
Event25th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation 2022 - Macau, China
Duration: 08 Oct 202212 Oct 2022

Publication series

NameITSC Proceedings


Conference25th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation 2022
Abbreviated titleITSC 2022


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