Education for sustainable development through the Coteaching of science and English in secondary schools

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


This project evaluated the use of a coteaching model of practice, to deliver Education for Sustainability (ESD) lessons in secondary level classrooms. The coteachers were student teachers in two different, often very separate subjects at this level – Science and English. They worked together to co-plan, co-deliver and co-evaluate a series of ESD lessons with a focus on literacy, using their own subject expertise.

The project entailed a unique application of an existing model of coteaching, developed by one of the authors, for learning in the outdoors (Kerr, 2019). Several scholars have developed and trialled different model of coteaching and the benefits of such an approach is well-cited in relation to positive outcomes for teachers/ student teachers as well as pupils and teaching colleagues in schools. The development and adaptation of the model used in the current ESD project, was informed and the development of this model by effective practice and critical evaluation of several previous studies on coteaching (Kerr, 2010; Murphy& Beggs, 2010; Murphy & Scantlebury, 2010). These studies investigated several approaches to coteaching to include between practicing and student teachers (Martin, 2009; Murphy et al., 2013), science and non-science specialists across the primary and secondary level transition phase (Kerr, 2016; Kerr, 2019).

The coteaching model used in the current project was innovative in that it had a specific focus on ESD through a cross-curricular lens, and involved student teachers for subjects which are not usually planned and delivered together, at secondary level. The model also included specific approaches to support for the student teachers to include dedicated professional development workshops on coteaching, ESD and active learning approaches, as well as capacity building for cross-curricular approaches to teaching and learning. This was in addition to their regular sessions on lesson planning, delivery and evaluation within their subject specialist area (as part of their initial teacher education programme). The adapted model of coteaching, now tried and tested as a result of this project, will be presented as part of this paper.

This project had four overarching aims for ESD coteaching in secondary level Science and English:
A1. Provide opportunities for Science and English (student) teachers to co-plan, coteach and co-evaluate ESD/literacy lessons
A2. Promote contact and shared learning experiences between (student) teachers in the subject specialist areas of Science and English, to further enhance their competence in cross-curricular teaching.
A3. Develop (student) teachers’ experience and expertise of using ESD/literacy-related tasks and activities with post-primary students.
A4. Produce and trial classroom materials to support the wider implementation of teaching ESD/literacy in Science and English post-primary classrooms; production of a prototype ‘toolkit’ for (student) teachers.

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 27 Aug 2024
EventEuropean Educational Research Association Conference 2024 - Nicosia, Cyprus
Duration: 27 Aug 202430 Aug 2024


ConferenceEuropean Educational Research Association Conference 2024
Abbreviated titleECER 2024


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