Eli Neira: Pursuing Community and Interconnectedness against the Commodification and Institutionalization of Culture in Chile

Sarah Bowskill, Jane Lavery

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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Eli Neira (b. 1973) is a Chilean poet, artist, performer and blogger who resists traditional infrastructures of cultural production. The works studied in this article (an open letter to FONDART, ‘Big Money’, ‘Soy Terrorista: Anti Postal 6, al Mapuche en huelga de hambre,’ ‘Inmaculado Corazón’ and ‘Limpieza colectiva como obra de arte’) address the issues of consumerism and art, the environment, and religion and sexuality but they are united by an overarching project which challenges the commodification and institutionalisation of culture by seeking out new outlets and audiences. In so doing, Neira seeks to occupy what she terms ‘zonas intersticiales’ (in-between spaces) or a ‘zona peligrosa’ (danger zone). This terminology, however, alerts, us to the inevitable contradictions in her practice as she resists, but is inevitably part of, the cultural field which she critiques. Neira’s work, therefore, is significant because it helps us to understand resistance as relational and not as something that is ‘outside’. Whilst her work alerts us to the limits of resistance, so too does it suggest more inclusive artistic practices which prioritise a sense of interconnectedness and community.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)93
JournalBulletin of Spanish Visual Studies
Issue number1
Early online date18 Mar 2020
Publication statusEarly online date - 18 Mar 2020


  • Eli Neira
  • Chile
  • Performance
  • Multimedia

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Arts and Humanities


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