Embodied Reflexivity in Qualitative Analysis: a role for Selfies

Martina Kelly, Joy de Vries-Erich, Esther Helmich, Timothy Dornan, Nigel King

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This article is a case study on the use of selfies as a means to support embodied reflexivity in phenomenological research. There is a recognized need to make reflexive practice in qualitative health research more transparent. There is also a move towards an embodied type of reflexivity whereby researchers pay attention to their physical reactions as part of the research process. Being reflexive is especially challenging when researchers work in teams rather than as individuals, and when researchers and participants do not meet because data collection and analysis are separate from one another. The authors used FINLAY's (2005) model of reflexive embodied empathy to explain how taking selfies allowed an international team of researchers to engage reflexively with a participant when their primary access to her life world was an interview transcript. Key concepts from FOUCAULT's (1988) theory of technologies of self, critical self-awareness and self-stylization, shed light on this phenomenon.
Original languageEnglish
JournalForum: Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 01 May 2017


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