Energy and industrial growth in India: the next emissions superpower?

Dimitrios Pappas, Konstantinos J. Chalvatzis

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

36 Citations (Scopus)
15 Downloads (Pure)


India is often referred to as the next development superpower and is widely seen as a potential destination for large scale manufacturing hubs. In this work we draw comparisons between India, Indonesia and China and find that all countries have a carbon intensive energy sector. However, there is a staggering difference between industrial energy intensity between them where India and Indonesia require double the amount of energy to produce the same output as China. We look into the decomposed industrial sectors and find that iron and steel and non-metallic minerals present the highest energy intensity in India. We argue that a production transition from China to India and Indonesia would result in a dangerous global emissions growth which has to be countered with rapid adoption of innovative energy technologies and policies.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 8th International Conference on Applied Energy, ICAE 2016
EditorsJinyue Yan, Fengchun Sun, S. K. Chou, Umberto Desideri, Hailong Li, Pietro Campana, Rui Xiong
Publication statusPublished - 01 May 2017
Externally publishedYes
Event8th International Conference on Applied Energy 2016 - Beijing, China
Duration: 08 Oct 201611 Oct 2016

Publication series

NameEnergy Procedia
ISSN (Electronic)1876-6102


Conference8th International Conference on Applied Energy 2016
Abbreviated titleICAE 2016


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