Enhancement factors for positron annihilation on valence and core orbitals of noble-gas atoms

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

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Annihilation momentum densities and vertex enhancement factors for positron annihilation on valence and core electrons of noble-gas atoms are calculated using many-body theory for s, p and d-wave positrons of momenta up to the positronium-formation threshold. The enhancement factors parametrize the effects of short-range electron-positron correlations which increase the annihilation probability beyond the independent-particle approximation. For all positron partial waves and electron subshells, the enhancement factors are found to be relatively insensitive to the positron momentum. The enhancement factors for the core electron orbitals are also almost independent of the positron angular momentum. The largest enhancement factor (∼10) is found for the 5p orbital in Xe, while the values for the core orbitals are typically ∼1.5.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationConcepts, methods and applications of quantum systems in chemistry and physics: selected proceedings of QSCP-XXI
EditorsYan A. Wang, Mark Thachuk, Roman Krems, Jean Maruani
PublisherSpringer Cham
ISBN (Electronic)9783319745824
ISBN (Print)9783030090289, 9783319745817
Publication statusPublished - 18 May 2018
Event21th International Workshop on Quantum Systems in Chemistry, Physics, and Biology 2016 - University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Duration: 02 Jun 201609 Jun 2016

Publication series

NameProgress in Theoretical Chemistry and Physics
ISSN (Print)1567-7354


Conference21th International Workshop on Quantum Systems in Chemistry, Physics, and Biology 2016
Abbreviated titleQSCP XXI
Internet address


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