Expatriates in flexible global work arrangements

Stefan Jooss, Kieran M. Conroy, Anthony McDonnell

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review


The purpose of this chapter is to synthesise the literature on expatriates in flexible global work arrangements. With an increasing need for agile business operations, global mobility in organisations has evolved, increasingly considering more flexible global working arrangements. The COVID-19 pandemic further transformed global mobility with organisations revisiting their approaches to coordinating and controlling their global businesses. In our integrative review, we depict international business travellers, international commuters, and short-term assignees as three types of flexible global work expatriates characterised by physical collocation for a condensed and defined period ranging from a few days to up to one year. We highlight the strategic value of these flexible global work expatriates to organisations and unpack ongoing sustainability concerns. The chapter concludes with a
future research agenda, reflecting on wellbeing and effectiveness outcomes, as well as offering a broader perspective on the reassessment of expatriates in flexible global work arrangements and collocation dependence.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe authoritative research guide to expatriates
EditorsKate Hutchings
PublisherEdward Elgar Publishing Ltd
Publication statusAccepted - 09 Jan 2025


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