Fingerprint Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) analysis in Goat’s Milk and Halloumi Cheese as Marker for Authentication of Region of Origin

Maria-Teresa Osorio, Anastasios Koidis, Thierry Zesiger, Photis Papademas

Research output: Contribution to conferencePoster


Goats’ milk is responsible for unique traditional products such as Halloumi cheese. The characteristics of Halloumi depend on the original features of the milk and on the conditions under which the milk has been produced such as feeding regime of the animals or region of production. Using a range of milk (33) and Halloumi (33) samples collected over a year from three different locations in Cyprus (A, Anogyra; K, Kofinou; P, Paphos), the potential for fingerprint VOC analysis as marker to authenticate Halloumi was investigated. This unique set up consists of an in-injector thermo desorption (VOCtrap needle) and a chromatofocusing system based on mass spectrometry (VOCscanner). The mass spectra of all the analyzed samples are treated by multivariate analysis (Principle component analysis and Discriminant functions analysis). Results showed that the highland area of product (P) is clearly identified in milks produced (discriminant score 67%). It is interesting to note that the higher similitude found on milks from regions “A” and “K” (with P being distractive; discriminant score 80%) are not ‘carried over’ on the cheeses (higher similitude between regions “A” and “P”, with “K” distinctive). Data have been broken down into three seasons. Similarly, the seasonality differences observed in different milks are not necessarily reported on the produced cheeses. This is expected due to the different VOC signatures developed in cheeses as part of the numerous biochemical changes during its elaboration compared to milk. VOC however it is an additional analytical tool that can aid in the identification of region origin in dairy products.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 23 Mar 2015
EventIDF 7th International Symposium on Sheep, Goat and other non-Cow Milk - Limassol , Cyprus
Duration: 23 Mar 201525 Mar 2015


ConferenceIDF 7th International Symposium on Sheep, Goat and other non-Cow Milk
City Limassol


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