
Research output: Book/ReportBook


Fodder is the painfully funny but oddly painful story of a diminutive 'sicksteen' year old misfit called Cookie, who lives on luncheon meat in a loyalist housing estate. When Cookie's mother disappears, he sets out to find her. He's determined too to settle some old scores and wage his own private war against the Proddy powers-that-be. Along the way we meet Prince, Cookie's acid-swallowing, Buckfast-swilling brother, various members of their mother's punk band from twenty years ago, a number of unsettling characters from the loyalist paramilitary ranks, and Cookie's best mate Bonehead, who's determined to join the loyalist hoods. A couple of punishment beatings, a stolen Maserati and a lot of empty Kulov bottles later, it seems that Cookie may have finally bitten off more than even he can chew...Brilliantly and energetically written, Fodder is a highly original debut novel from a distinctive new voice.

Original languageEnglish
PublisherBlackstaff Press
Number of pages252
ISBN (Print)9780856407291
Publication statusPublished - 01 Oct 2002


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