Framing learning and preference formation in a double-bounded contingent valuation study of willingness-to-accept payments for behaviour change in outdoor physical activity Jianjun Tang, George Hutchinson, Alberto Longo, Ruth Hunter, Frank Kee Discussant: Ivan Frankovic

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


This paper tests whether anchoring and inconsistencies in Double-Bounded Dichotomous Choice (DBDC) willingness to pay (WTP) also pertains to willingness-to-accept (WTA) studies. We explore whether these anomalies can be eliminated by two treatments in the design of CVM questions, namely advanced disclosure of multiple goods valued and the double referendum mechanism and exclusive list framing of DBDC valuation questions. We purposefully designed an online questionnaire that elicits respondents’ WTA monetary incentives for behaviour change in outdoor physical activities which refer to travelling to and from places (e.g. walking or cycling), and doing moderately-intensity (e.g. brisk walking) and vigorous-intensity (e.g. running) recreational physical activities. A total of 748 office-based employees from public sector organisations completed the online survey. We found that advanced disclosure resulted in lower WTA estimates when compared to the standard design and incremental exclusive list framing led to even lower WTA. Further, we found that the two treatments combined with a repetitive learning design attenuated conventional SB, DB value inconsistency and anchoring. This WTA study also found considerable evidence of well-formed preferences in the initial valuation of the larger good which followed through in the follow-up valuation of the smaller good and for the two additional treatment valuations
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages27
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2017
Event23rd EAERE Annual Conference 2017 - Athens Greece, Athens, Greece
Duration: 28 Jun 201701 Jul 2017
Conference number: 23rd EAERE Annual Conference


Conference23rd EAERE Annual Conference 2017
Abbreviated titleEAERE 2017
Internet address


  • Contingent valuation; Double-bounded dichotomous choice; Advanced

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Economics, Econometrics and Finance(all)
  • General Medicine


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