title = "{\textquoteleft}Frisch auf mein Volk mit Trommelschlag{\textquoteleft}",
abstract = "This is an essay including annotated critical editions documenting the history of reception of this song since 1848. Published in the Liederlexikon for the AHRC and DFG funded project 'The History of Reception of the Songs of the 1848 Revolution' (2009-2013).",
author = "David Robb and Eckhard John",
year = "2013",
month = apr,
language = "German",
series = "Populaere und traditionelle Lieder. Historisch-kritisches Liederlexikon",
publisher = "Deutsches Volksliedarchiv Freiburg",
edition = "Historisch-Kritisches Liederlexikon",
type = "Other",