From Boys to Men Overview and Recommendations

David Gadd, Claire L Fox, Mary-Louise Corr, Ian Butler, Joanna Bragg

    Research output: Book/ReportOther report


    The From Boys to Men Project was funded by the Economic and Social Research
    Council to explore why some boys become domestic abuse perpetrators when
    others do not. In so doing, it sought to establish what more could be done to
    reduce the number of young men who become perpetrators. The study
    involved three phases of data collection including: Phase 1 - a survey of 1203
    school children aged 13-14; Phase 2 - focus groups with 69 young people aged
    13-19; and Phase 3 - life history interviews with 30 young men, aged 16-21,
    who had experienced domestic abuse as victims, perpetrators or witnesses.
    Reports on all stages of the project are freely available on our website
    This report provides a brief overview of what we found and what
    recommendations follow from the project’s findings.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherUniversity of Manchester School of Law
    ISBN (Print) 978-0-9927008-3-6
    Publication statusPublished - 2013


    • Domestic Violence
    • Young People
    • Violence Prevention


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