Goddess: MakeUsVisible x denkFEmale (2022)

Jia-Rey Chang (Developer)

Research output: Non-textual formExhibition

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Goddess: AR Interactive Sculture

Goddess is a AR sculpture that expresses the urgent need for hope no matter if it is for a physical or digital world, especially after this tragic COVID-19. Goddess usually metaphors a warm, comfortable, encouraging icon in all cultures that represents the power of a Mother. When it comes to “Faith”, there is no specific deal wherever you physically/digitally locate. The Faith/Hope can be the portal transcending the physical and virtual world and even all religions which is what the Goddess symbolizes here.

“Goddess” was part of the MakeUsVisible x denkFEmale event which took place in Munich, Germany for a month. The main theme behind the MakeUsVisible x denkFEmale, is to uplift women, female-identifying and non-binary voices through art and technology to provide people of all genders a seat at the table. Goddess was located at Königsplatz which seems to imply the main theme of uplifting diverse genders.

Exhibited at MakeUsVisible x denkFEmale (Munich), October 2022
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2022
EventMakeUsVisible x denkFEmale - Munich, Germany
Duration: 30 Sept 2022 → …


  • AR
  • AR Sculpture
  • Mixed Reality


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