iLectures - Exploring the interactive lecture using web-based broadcasting technology

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


The continued use of traditional lecturing across Higher Education as the main teaching and learning approach in many disciplines must be challenged. An increasing number of studies suggest that this approach, compared to more active learning methods, is the least effective. In counterargument, the use of traditional lectures are often justified as necessary given a large student population. By analysing the implementation of a web based broadcasting approach which replaced the traditional lecture within a programming-based module, and thereby removed the student population rationale, it was hoped that the student learning experience would become more active and ultimately enhance learning on the module. The implemented model replaces the traditional approach of students attending an on-campus lecture theatre with a web-based live broadcast approach that focuses on students being active learners rather than passive recipients. Students ‘attend’ by viewing a live broadcast of the lecturer, presented as a talking head, and the lecturer’s desktop, via a web browser. Video and audio communication is primarily from tutor to students, with text-based comments used to provide communication from students to tutor. This approach promotes active learning by allowing student to perform activities on their own computer rather than the passive viewing and listening common encountered in large lecture classes. By analysing this approach over two years (n = 234 students) results indicate that 89.6% of students rated the approach as offering a highly positive learning experience. Comparing student performance across three academic years also indicates a positive change. A small data analytic analysis was conducted into student participation levels and suggests that the student cohort's willingness to engage with the broadcast lectures material is high.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 02 Dec 2015
EventAARE Annual International Conference 2015 - Perth, Australia
Duration: 30 Nov 201503 Dec 2015


ConferenceAARE Annual International Conference 2015


  • Technology
  • Education
  • Data Analytics
  • Web technology
  • Video lecture capture


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