Implant survival/success and and peri-implant outcomes of titanium-zirconium mini implants for mandibular overdentures: Results from a 1-year randomised clinical trial

Thalita Curado, Jesio Rodrigues, Lays Noleto, José Luiz Rodrigues Leles, Gerry McKenna, Martin Schimmel, Claudio Leles

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Objective: To report the 1-year implant survival and peri-implant outcomes of mandibular overdentures retained by four titanium-zirconium mini implants (Straumann® Mini Implant System), and to assess the influence of surgery and loading protocols on peri-implant outcomes.

Materials and Methods: A 2×2 factorial randomized clinical trial (RCT) tested the combined effects of two loading protocols (immediate or delayed) and two surgical approaches (flapless or flapped) on the success / survival of the mini implants, and peri-implant parameters (plaque, bleeding, sulcus depth, gingival position, and marginal bone loss). Outcomes were assessed up to 1-year after loading, and Generalized Linear Models were used to analyze longitudinal and within-patient clustered data.

Results: 296 implants were placed in 74 patients, with 73 patients completing 1-year follow-up. No implant failure or major biological complications were observed. After 1-year, there were no noticeable changes in plaque scores, and a reduction in bleeding scores were observed at the 6 month and 1-year follow-ups compared to baseline. Good stability was observed for the probing depth and gingival margin height measures. Overall mean marginal bone loss was 0.68 (±0.68) mm after three months and 0.89 (±0.75) mm after 1-year. The flapless protocol showed better results on soft tissue stability and health but a slightly higher risk for marginal bone loss.

Conclusion: The results of this RCT suggest that mandibular overdentures retained by this novel mini implant system is a safe and predictable treatment option in terms of implant survival and peri-implant outcomes, including when flapless surgery and immediate loading protocols are adopted.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)769-782
Number of pages14
JournalClinical Oral Implants Research
Issue number8
Early online date31 May 2023
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2023


  • diagnosis
  • clinical assessment
  • clinical research
  • dental implant
  • clinical trials
  • edentulous patient


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