Implementation Experiences from Smart Grid Security Applications and Outlook on Future Research

Stylianos Basagiannis, Rohan Chabukswar, Yi Yang, Kieran McLaughlin, Menouer Boubekeur

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

2 Citations (Scopus)


Experiences from smart grid cyber-security incidents in the past decade have raised questions on the applicability and effectiveness of security measures and protection mechanisms applied to the grid. In this chapter we focus on the security measures applied under real circumstances in today’s smart grid systems. Beginning from real world example implementations, we first review cyber-security facts that affected the electrical grid, from US blackout incidents, to the Dragonfly cyber-espionage campaign currently focusing on US and European energy firms. Provided a real world setting, we give information related to energy management of a smart grid looking also in the optimization techniques that power control engineers perform into the grid components. We examine the application of various security tools in smart grid systems, such as intrusion detection systems, smart meter authentication and key management using Physical Unclonable Functions, security analytics and resilient control algorithms. Furthermore we present evaluation use cases of security tools applied on smart grid infrastructure test-beds that could be proved important prior to their application in the real grid, describing a smart grid intrusion detection system application and security analytics results. Anticipated experimental results from the use-cases and conclusions about the successful transitions of security measures to real world smart grid operations will be presented at the end of this chapter.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationSmart Grid Security: Innovative Solutions for a Modernized Grid
ISBN (Print)978-0-12-802122-4
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2015


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