Improvement in the efficiency of DC/DC power converters by controlling the switching frequency

Marco Faifer, Mohamed Khalil, Luigi Piegari, Payam Soulatiantork, Sergio Toscani

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

2 Citations (Scopus)


In recent years DC/DC converters are becoming one of the most diffused power converter because of the spreading of renewables and storages. New topologies of DC/DC converters have been proposed to improve the energy efficiency. Anyway, in many applications the most diffused are always the traditional hard switching configurations for which some tricks are introduced in order to increase the efficiency. Usually, the switching frequency is considered a parameter to be kept low in order to reduce the losses. In this paper, the efficiency variation of a power converter with the switching frequency is deeply analyzed. From the reported analysis, it results that there is a particular frequency for which the power converter operates at its maximum efficiency. Moreover, for real converters, this frequency is in a range good also to ensure a good quality of the output voltage. In particular, the case of a SEPIC converter designed for PV application is taken into account and the optimal switching frequency is around 20 kHz. The proposed analytical approach has been verified by means of numerical results.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication14th IMEKO TC10 Workshop on Technical Diagnostics 2016: New Perspectives in Measurements, Tools and Techniques for Systems Reliability, Maintainability and Safety
PublisherIMEKO-International Measurement Federation Secretariat
Number of pages6
ISBN (Print)9781510826205
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2016
Externally publishedYes
Event14th IMEKO TC10 Workshop on Technical Diagnostics 2016: New Perspectives in Measurements, Tools and Techniques for Systems Reliability, Maintainability and Safety - Milan, Italy
Duration: 27 Jun 201628 Jun 2016


Conference14th IMEKO TC10 Workshop on Technical Diagnostics 2016: New Perspectives in Measurements, Tools and Techniques for Systems Reliability, Maintainability and Safety

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering


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