Influence of Stent Wire on Renal Blood Flow

Michael McDonald, Jonathan Cole, John Watterson, R. John Winder

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstract


An aneurysm is a localised widening of an artery, accompanied by a weakening of the artery wall. The aneurysm grows over time and will eventually rupture. Within the aorta, aneurysms are most commonly found in the abdominal section; here they are known as abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA). Death occurs in up to 90% of ruptured AAAs. This condition was responsible for around 4400 deaths in England and Wales in 2004.

Treatment of AAA involves placing an endovascular stent graft inside the artery to take the pressure off the aortic wall. The graft is secured by hooks embedded on open wires at its proximal end. Since AAAs generally develop just distal to the renal arteries, it is often the case that the retaining wires cross the entrance to these vessels. It is a concern that the wires may impede renal blood flow.

Computational fluid dynamics simulations of the pulsatile blood flow at the junction between the aorta and the renal artery were performed. In a standard model, no stent wires were present, while in a modified geometry, a single wire (0.2 mm diameter) was located at the entrance of the renal artery (6 mm diameter).

A complicated behaviour was predicted at the junction, with flow recirculation and reversed flow being observed during part of the cardiac cycle. However, the wire caused only minor disturbances in local blood flow patterns and a very small reduction in renal flow. The results suggest that renal dysfunction due to such a stent wire is unlikely.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2006
EventNorthern Ireland Biomedical Engineering Society Spring Meeting 2006 - University of Ulster, Jordanstown, Jordanstown, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
Duration: 07 Apr 200607 Apr 2006


ConferenceNorthern Ireland Biomedical Engineering Society Spring Meeting 2006
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
CityJordanstown, Northern Ireland


  • abdominal aortic aneurysm
  • CFD
  • renal artery
  • stent
  • pulsatile flow


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