Invasion of farmland hedgerows by non-native small mammals is associated with lower soil surface invertebrate diversity, abundance, body size and biomass

W. Ian Montgomery*, Sally S. J. Montgomery, James O'Neill, Neil Reid

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Small mammals in farmland hedgerows feed on soil surface invertebrates with non-native invasive species potentially affecting prey species and populations. We investigated terrestrial invertebrates using pitfall traps and leaf litter samples across four zones of invasion in Ireland: (1) native species only (wood mouse Apodemus sylvaticus and pygmy shrew Sorex minutus), (2) natives plus the non-native bank vole (Myodes glareolus), (3) natives plus the non-native greater white-toothed shrew (Crocidura russula) and (4) natives plus both. After accounting for regional and local environmental variation, small mammal invasion was associated with lower invertebrate species richness (9–39% lower than uninvaded zones), reduced abundance (18–56% lower), shorter arthropod body length (24–52% shorter) and lower arthropod biomass (63–89% lower). Negative effects were observed on a wide range of disparate functional groups spanning phytophagous, detritivorus, zoophagous and omnivorous taxa including: the Staphylinidae, Carabidae and Coleoptera larvae, Isopoda, Diplopoda, Diptera, Hymenoptera, Pulmonata and Acari. The greater white-toothed shrew had greater negative effects than the bank vole with presence of both having greater effects than either alone though the majority of their combined effects were largely attributable to the former. The bank vole may mitigate some of the negative effects of the greater white-toothed shrew on invertebrate abundance perhaps indicating of some form of trophic interaction. Predation of detritivores and large invertebrate predators may impact farmland ecosystem service delivery i.e. nutrient cycling and pest biocontrol. Hedgerow biodiversity loss may induce indirect trophic cascades negatively impacting other taxa including farmland birds.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages14
JournalBiological Invasions
Early online date21 Nov 2023
Publication statusEarly online date - 21 Nov 2023


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