Investigating the validity of structure learning algorithms in identifying risk factors for intervention in patients with diabetes

Sheresh Zahoor, Anthony C. Constantinou, Tim M Curtis, Mohammed Hasanuzzaman

Research output: Working paper

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Diabetes, a pervasive and enduring health challenge, imposes significant global implications on health, financial healthcare systems, and societal well-being. This study undertakes a comprehensive exploration of various structural learning algorithms to discern causal pathways amongst potential risk factors influencing diabetes progression. The methodology involves the application of these algorithms to relevant diabetes data, followed by the conversion of their output graphs into Causal Bayesian Networks (CBNs), enabling predictive analysis and the evaluation of discrepancies in the effect of hypothetical interventions within our context-specific case study. This study highlights the substantial impact of algorithm selection on intervention outcomes. To consolidate insights from diverse algorithms, we employ a model-averaging technique that helps us obtain a unique causal model for diabetes derived from a varied set of structural learning algorithms. We also investigate how each of those individual graphs, as well as the average graph, compare to the structures elicited by a domain expert who categorised graph edges into high confidence, moderate, and low confidence types, leading into three individual graphs corresponding to the three levels of confidence. The resulting causal model and data are made available online, and serve as a valuable resource and a guide for informed decision-making by healthcare practitioners, offering a comprehensive understanding of the interactions between relevant risk factors and the effect of hypothetical interventions. Therefore, this research not only contributes to the academic discussion on diabetes, but also provides practical guidance for healthcare professionals in developing efficient intervention and risk management strategies.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages20
Publication statusPublished - 21 Mar 2024

Publication series


Bibliographical note

20 pages, 17 figures, 4 tables


  • cs.LG


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