Investigation of Limit Cycle Oscillations Using Aeroelastic-Harmonic Balance Method

Simão Marques, Weigang Yao, Richard Hayes

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This work investigates limit cycle oscillations in the transonic regime. A novel approach to predict Limit Cycle Oscillations using high fidelity analysis is exploited to accelerate calculations. The method used is an Aeroeasltic Harmonic Balance approach, which has been proven to be efficient and able to predict periodic phenomena. The behaviour of limit cycle oscillations is analysed using uncertainty quantification tools based on polynomial chaos expansions. To improve the efficiency of the sampling process for the polynomial-chaos expansions an adaptive sampling procedure is used. These methods are exercised using two problems: a pitch/plunge aerofoil and a delta-wing. Results indicate that Mach n. variability is determinant to the amplitude of the LCO for the 2D test case, whereas for the wing case analysed here, variability in the Mach n. has an almost negligible influence in amplitude variation and the LCO frequency variability has an almost linear relation with Mach number. Further test cases are required to understand the generality of these results.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2014
Event4th EASN Workshop on Flight Physics and Aircraft Design - Germany, Aachen, Germany
Duration: 27 Oct 201429 Oct 2014


Conference4th EASN Workshop on Flight Physics and Aircraft Design


  • CFD
  • Harmonic Balance
  • aeroelasticity
  • Nonlinear

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Aerospace Engineering
  • Computational Mechanics


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