Investigation of thermal resistance and bridging in examples of contemporary and vernacular solid wall architecture

Oliver Kinnane, Jennifer McGinn, Patrick O'Shea, John Grimes, Sara Pavia

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


    Contemporary architecture has tended to increase envelope insulation levels in an unceasing effort to reduce U-values. Traditional masonry architecture in contrast was devoid of insulation, except for the inherent insulative nature of vernacular materials. Also the consistency of the outer membrane of the building skin diminished any impact due to bridging. In contemporary highly insulated walls bridges are numerous due to the necessity to bind inner and outer structural skins through insulation layers. This paper examines thermal bridging in an example of contemporary façade design and compares it with an example of traditional vernacular architecture currently being researched which is characterized by a lack of bridging elements. Focus is given to heavy weight materials of high thermal mass, which appropriately for passive architecture help moderate fluctuations in internal temperature. In an extensive experimental study samples of highly insulated precast concrete sandwich panels and lime rendered masonry walls are tested in a guarded hot-box. The building construction methods are compared for static and dynamic thermal transmittance, via heat flux and surface temperature differential measurements. Focus is given to the differential heat loss due to the thermal bridging in the sandwich panels and its associated impact on overall heat loss relative to traditional masonry construction.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publication30th International PLEA Conference: Sustainable Habitat for Developing Societies – Choosing The Way Forward;
    EditorsRajan Rawal, Sanyogita Manu, Nirmala Khadpekar
    Place of PublicationAhmedabad, India
    PublisherCEPT University Press
    Number of pages6
    ISBN (Electronic)9789383184033
    ISBN (Print)9789383184026
    Publication statusPublished - 2014
    Event30th International PLEA Conference: Sustainable Habitat for Developing Societies - Choosing the Way Forward - Ahmedabad, India
    Duration: 16 Dec 201418 Dec 2014


    Conference30th International PLEA Conference: Sustainable Habitat for Developing Societies - Choosing the Way Forward

    Bibliographical note

    ISBN Print - Book of Abstracts; ISBN Electronic - E-Book of Proceedings


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