“It’s part of our life now”: a qualitative exploration of the social eating experiences of family members of patients living with head and neck cancer

Mark Dornan, Cherith Semple, Anne Moorhead

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Purpose Family members (FMs) of patients with head and neck cancer (HNC) report a change in their social eating experience. They miss out on the opportunities and benefts that eating with others provides. However, few studies investigate
FM’s social eating experiences, with existing research primarily focusing on the patient experience. Therefore, the aim of
this study was to explore the social eating experiences of FMs of patients who have had treatment for HNC.
Methods A qualitative research design using semi-structured interviews was used to understand FM’s social eating experiences. Key themes were inductively developed from the data using refexive thematic analysis.
Results Twelve interviews were conducted with FMs, and three key themes were identifed: (1) changes and challenges experienced by FMs due to HNC patients’ social eating difculties, (2) living with social eating changes is a balancing act, and (3)
FMs’ eforts to promote social eating for a patient with HNC. FMs expressed signifcant changes to their social eating habits
within and outside the home, indicating the need for support to meet their own emotional, psychological and social needs.
Conclusion FMs experience many demands and tensions, having to balance the psychological impact they experience, which
are often minimised, whilst attempting to fnd the best ways to support, protect and encourage their loved ones to adjust and
adapt to social eating changes. Therefore, interventions need to support FMs’ challenges and equip them to know how to
best support patients living with HNC and themselves.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)10159-10167
Number of pages9
JournalSupportive Care in Cancer
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2022
Externally publishedYes


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