Joint Information and Jamming Beamforming for Secrecy Rate Maximization in Cognitive Radio Networks

Van Dinh Nguyen, Trung Q. Duong, Octavia A. Dobre, Oh-Soon Shin

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In this paper, we consider the secure beamforming design for an underlay cognitive radio multiple-input singleoutput broadcast channel in the presence of multiple passive eavesdroppers. Our goal is to design a jamming noise (JN) transmit strategy to maximize the secrecy rate of the secondary system. By utilizing the zero-forcing method to eliminate the interference caused by JN to the secondary user, we study the joint optimization of the information and JN beamforming for secrecy rate maximization of the secondary system while satisfying all the interference power constraints at the primary users, as well as the per-antenna power constraint at the secondary transmitter. For an optimal beamforming design, the original problem is a nonconvex program, which can be reformulated as a convex program by applying the rank relaxation method. To this end, we prove that the rank relaxation is tight and propose a barrier interior-point method to solve the resulting saddle point problem based on a duality result. To find the global optimal solution, we transform the considered problem into an unconstrained optimization problem. We then employ Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (BFGS) method to solve the resulting unconstrained problem which helps reduce the complexity significantly, compared to conventional methods. Simulation results show the fast convergence of the proposed algorithm and substantial performance improvements over existing approaches.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2609-2623
Number of pages15
JournalIEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security
Issue number11
Early online date27 Jul 2016
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2016


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