Kinodynamic path switching for robotic manipulators

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

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We extend trajectory planning methods for robotic manipulators to the more general and complex path planning problem in both the space of joints and their velocities. We consider a set of prespecified feasible paths, together with their associated, precomputed safe sets in the projected space of the dynamics restricted to the path. We ask a natural question, namely, whether we can state geometric conditions, together with their algebraic equivalents, that allow switching between paths, providing thus greater flexibility, enabling path planning capabilities. We answer affirmatively, and pose conditions whose consistency can be checked by solving a set of algebraic conditions and by computing intersections between safe sets, precisely, reach-avoid sets. Controllers can also be extracted for closed- loop switched paths. Our proof-of-concept analysis suggests that under the developed framework, composition between paths is possible, thus, potentially significantly extending the applicability of the approach and complementing existing planning methods.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 22nd IFAC World Congress 2023
EditorsHideaki Ishii, Yoshio Ebihara, Jun-ichi Imura, Masaki Yamakita
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 22 Nov 2023
Event22nd World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control 2023 - Yokohama, Japan
Duration: 09 Jul 202314 Jul 2023

Publication series

ISSN (Electronic)2405-8963


Conference22nd World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control 2023
Abbreviated titleIFAC 2023
Internet address


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