La Encyclopedia metódica en un momento de transición para la Casa de Sancha: el Aviso al público de 1791

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review


Only one copy has survived of the Aviso al público sobre la impresión de la Encyclopedia metodica, a brochure printed by the Sancha publishing house after the untimely death of Antonio de Sancha in November 1790. This article will offer an analysis of this circular as an exceptionally revealing source of the complex material circunstances surrounding the production of the Spanish translation of Panckoucke’s Encyclopédie méthodique. In the Aviso, of which we offer an annotated transcription, Antonio de Sancha’s heirs express publicly their full commitment to bring this project to completion in order to maintain the good name and the credit due to their firm.

Original languageSpanish
Title of host publicationMiscelánea de estudios filológicos en homenaje a Pedro Álvarez de Miranda
Place of PublicationMurcia
PublisherUniversidad de Murcia Servicio de Publicaciones
Number of pages24
Publication statusAccepted - 23 Feb 2024


  • Enciclopedia metódica
  • Antonio de Sancha
  • Charles-Joseph Panckoucke
  • Encyclopédie méthodique

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