Lawpod: Exploring Health Rights for Migrant Populations: Dr Stefano Angeleri

Stefano Angeleri*, Claire Wright, Richard Summerville (Producer)

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In this podcast, Dr Claire Wright talks with Dr Stefano Angeleri about his experience of conducting research on health rights for migrant populations. They discuss Angeleri’s motivation as a PhD and postdoc researcher, the findings of the book ‘Irregular Migrants and the Right to Health,’ and the partial outcomes, anecdotes, and stories related to his current project in Colombia, funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 101032116—HEAVEN.

Overall, Dr. Angeleri argues that partnerships and interdisciplinary collaborations are essential to address the health needs of marginalised groups. However, stable solutions for protecting the right to health should begin with the inclusion of irregular migrants in institutional preventive and primary care services.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherQueen's University Belfast
Media of outputOnline
Size17 min 7 sec
Publication statusPublished - 02 Nov 2023


  • LawPod
  • Legalpodcast


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