'Leave Fossil Fuels in the Soil, Halt Deforestation': Stop Threatening the Planet

M. Satish Kumar, Steven Donnelly

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review


This chapter seeks to investigate the climate-related conundrum facing humanity as we lurch from one climatic catastrophe to another. Global climate governance sought to provide a coordinated form of agreements to explicitly use liberal capital to incentivise action around the Conference of Parties (COP). It will trace the evolutionary development of this movement and seek to evaluate the significance of this initiative in meeting climate targets towards 2030. In particular, the transnational climate justice approach based on CBDR/INDC will be a way forward to ensure choices towards unifying targets and their contradictions. The chapter will conclude with observations on the role of ecological security as a framework for addressing the critical challenges faced by both the global North and South.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationEco-politics and global climate change
EditorsSachchidanand Tripathi, Rahul Bhadouria, Rishikesh Singh, Pratap Srivastava, Rajkumari Sanayaima Devi
PublisherSpringer Nature Switzerland
Number of pages17
ISBN (Electronic)9783031480980
ISBN (Print)9783031480973
Publication statusPublished - 02 Jan 2024

Publication series

NameEnvironment & Policy
ISSN (Print)1383-5130
ISSN (Electronic)2215-0110


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