Loss of natural abutment teeth with cast copings retaining overdentures: a systematic review and meta-analysis Estimated loss of overdenture abutment teeth – review and meta-analysis

Alexander Mercouriadis-Howald, Noemie Rollier, Sayaka Tada, Gerald McKenna, Kensuke Igarashi, Martin Schimmel

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16 Citations (Scopus)
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Purpose: To analyze the available evidence in the English, German and Japanese literature on the survival and complications of natural teeth with cast copings used to retain overdentures (ROD).
Study selection: A systematic search strategy was conducted using MeSH terms and pre-defined criteria. Two groups of researchers searched Pubmed, CENTRAL, Embase (English, German), Ichushi-web (Japanese) as well as hand searching. Data were extracted independently by the two groups. The estimated frequency of abutment tooth loss was calculated from data on the number of lost teeth and exposure time. A meta-analysis was conducted to estimate the annual frequency of abutment tooth loss across all included studies.
Results: A total of 4791 eligible studies from PubMed, Embase, and CENTRAL. An additional 316 articles were identified from the Ichushi-Web plus another 131 articles from additional sources. From those manuscripts, 19 reported relevant outcome data that was then extracted. The pooled data included a total of 1’954 abutment teeth with a combined total exposure time of 9’098 years. The estimated linear rate of loss was 1.76%/ year (95%CI 1.13; 2.72). Caries and periodontal infections were identified as the most common reasons for abutment tooth loss.
Conclusions: Natural tooth retained overdentures often constitute the last resort before edentulism and might aid in this transition, especially in very old patients with reduced adaptive capacities. Given correct design, preparation and aftercare, RODs still are a valid treatment option in partially edentulous patients.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)407-415
JournalJournal of Prosthodontic Research
Issue number4
Early online date08 Jun 2018
Publication statusEarly online date - 08 Jun 2018


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