Male Perpetrators of Domestic Violence: How should we hold them to account?

John Devaney

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Domestic violence is now widely acknowledged as being a significant social, health and legal issue. At both a national and transnational level governments have sought to develop strategies built upon prevention, support for victims and holding perpetrators to account through criminal justice sanctions. However, the current paradigm that informs the policy response to most perpetrators of domestic violence has failed to deliver the outcomes required, in terms of a reduction in levels of recidivism or the improved safety of women and children. It is argued that holding men to account through external controls has failed and that interventions should support men to take responsibility for their own behaviour.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)480-486
JournalThe Political Quarterly
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2014


  • Istanbul Convention; patriarchy; perpetrator programmes; victims; violence against women


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