Map Width Enhancement Technique for a Turbocharger Compressor

Subenuka Sivagnanasundaram, Stephen Spence, Juliana Early

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


This paper presents an investigation of map width enhancement and the performance improvement of a turbocharger compressor using a series of static vanes in the annular cavity of a classical bleed slot system. The investigation has been carried out using both experimental and numerical analysis. The compressor stage used for this study is from a turbocharger unit used in heavy duty diesel engines of approximately 300 kW. Two types of vanes have been designed and added to the annular cavity of the baseline classical bleed slot system. The purpose of the annular cavity vane technique is to remove some of the swirl that can be carried through the bleed slot system, which would influence the pressure ratio. In addition to this, the series of cavity vanes provides a better guidance to the slot recirculating flow before it mixes with the impeller main inlet flow. Better guidance of the flow improves the mixing at the inducer inlet in the circumferential direction. As a consequence, the stability of the compressor is improved at lower flow rates and a wider map can be achieved. The impact of two cavity vane designs on the map width and performance of the compressor has been highlighted through a detailed analysis of the impeller flow field. The numerical and experimental study revealed that an effective vane design can improve the map width and pressure ratio characteristic without an efficiency penalty compared to the classical bleed slot system without vanes. The comparison study between the cavity vane and non-cavity vane configurations presented in this paper showed that the map width was improved by 14.3% due to a significant reduction in surge flow and the peak pressure ratio was improved by 2.25% with the addition of a series of cavity vanes in the annular cavity of the bleed slot system.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 11 Jun 2012
EventASME Turbo Expo 2012: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition - Copenhagen, Denmark
Duration: 11 Jun 201215 Jul 2012


ConferenceASME Turbo Expo 2012: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition


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