Mirage - a virtual environment for Ars Electronica's Metaverse 2020: A metaverse for sound art and music, Kunstuniversität Linz SOUND CAMPUS -> Ars Electronica Festival 2020. 9-13 Sept 2020.      ----- Metaverse Site: https://sound-campus.itch.io/metaverse -----  Ars Electronica Site: https://ars.electronica.art/keplersgardens/en/metaverse -----

Franziska Schroeder* (Performer), Carlos Guedes (Composer), Leonid Kuzmenko (Developer)

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Non-textual formComposition

193 Downloads (Pure)


Several physically distant recorded performances between saxophonist Franziska Schroeder, composers Carlos Guedes and Leonid Kuzmenko led to the composition and design of this 8 channel listening environment, implemented in Unity for Ars Electronica's Virtual Sound Campus.

"Sound Campus is a new program of Kunstuniversität Linz especially oriented towards examining the state of experimental sound practices at universities and research centers. It opens a possibility for researchers to present new forms of understanding sonic art to the big audience of Ars Electronica Festival.
What can you do in the the metaverse?
Listen to multichannel sound works by great composers: experience 3D audio in live binaural format through headphones!
Interact with interactive sonic artworks: from vocoders to a virtual version of an african instrument!
Watch live performances happening at the Sound Campus section of the Ars Electronica Festival 2020 in our virtual auditorium!
Meet your distant friends at an online 3D multiplayer experience!

Original languageEnglish
Media of outputOnline
Publication statusPublished - 09 Sept 2020


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