Molecular mechanisms of virulence of Burkholderia cepacia complex bacteria: Survival in Phagocytic Cells

Miguel A. Valvano, Roberto Rosales-Reyes, Crystal L. Schmerk, Hanna Ostapska

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review


Burkholderia cepacia complex (Bcc) species are a group of Gram-negative opportunistic pathogens that chronically infect the airways of cystic fibrosis patients, but they can also infect patients with various types of immunosuppressive disorders. Bcc members are multidrug resistant bacteria that have the ability to persist in the infected host and also elicit robust inflammatory responses. Studies using macrophages, neutrophils and dendritic cells, combined with dramatic advances in the ability to genetically manipulate these microorganisms have contributed to increase our understanding of the molecular mechanisms of virulence in these pathogens and the molecular details of the cell host responses triggering inflammation. This chapter reviews our understanding of the pathogenic mechanisms used by Bcc to establish an intracellular niche in phagocytic cells and modulate host cell responses that ultimately end up in cell death and a proinflammatory response.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationBurkholderia: From Genomes to Function
EditorsTom Coeyne, Eshwar Mahenthiralingam
PublisherCaister Academic Press
ISBN (Electronic)9781908230973
ISBN (Print)9781908230355
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2014


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