Multidisciplinary approach to heart failure management

Loreena Hill, Friedrich Koehler, Tiny Jaarsma, Marija Polovina, Katherine McCreary , Andrew J. S. Coats

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review

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At least three decades has passed since the inception of the first multidisciplinary team (MDT) intervention. During this time, studies incorporating different MDT models of care delivery, using different components of varying intensity and provided by different disciplines, have tested the ability to improve patient outcomes. Nevertheless, current international guidelines, recommend all patients receive MDT programmes of care, in order to reduce the likelihood of re-hospitalization and mortality. This chapter discusses the rationale for the MDT approach and its main characteristics in care delivery. Historical aspects as well as ongoing innovations, such as tele-monitoring, will be presented. Many patients with heart failure have additional comorbidities, requiring close collaboration and clear lines of communication between specialisms, for example endocrinologists, renal physicians, and specialist palliative care professionals. A MDT approach can ensure patient-centred care appropriate to need is provided, no matter what the setting. The future of Heart Failure Association accredited Quality of Care Centres will foster this approach, demonstrating the MDT as a vital part of the armoury against HF progression.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe ESC textbook of heart failure
EditorsPetar Seferovic, Andrew Coats, Gerasimos Filippatos, Johann Bauersachs, Giuseppe Rosano
PublisherOxford University Press
ISBN (Electronic)9780191996399
ISBN (Print)9780198891628
Publication statusPublished - 14 Nov 2023

Publication series

NameThe European Society of Cardiology Series
NameOxford Textbooks in Cardiology


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