Multi‐environment quantification of parasite and intermediate host DNA on pasture for fine‐scale disease risk assessment

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Parasite transmission occurs in complex environments comprising multiple matrices. Trematode parasites of ruminant livestock such as the liver fluke, Fasciola hepatica and the rumen fluke, Calicophoron daubneyi, show affinity with freshwater environments shared with their amphibious snail intermediate host, Galba truncatula. Isolation of environmental DNA (eDNA) from these parasites and their snail hosts in water draining from grazing land provides opportunities for improved molecular diagnostic detection and can help identify infection risks at farm level. The detection and quantification of eDNA from other environmental matrices has received less attention but would improve the understanding of parasite dynamics on pasture. Our study has considerably extended eDNA sampling methods for the detection of parasitic trematodes of ruminant livestock and their snail intermediate host by including for the first time the analysis of soil and herbage environmental samples alongside water collections. A droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) workflow was developed to detect parasite and snail eDNA from soil, herbage, and water collected from livestock farms. For the first time, C. daubneyi eDNA was isolated from agricultural soil alongside water samples and G. truncatula eDNA was detected in water, soil, and herbage samples. No environmental samples were positive for F. hepatica eDNA. Assessing multiple environmental matrices increased the number of positive sites. Future implementation of eDNA detection methods alongside traditional parasite diagnostics can underpin more holistic evaluations of the environmental components of parasite epidemiology and facilitate adaptation to changing disease patterns.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere70027
Number of pages15
JournalEnvironmental DNA
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 12 Oct 2024


  • eDNA
  • calicophoron daubneyi
  • livestock
  • galba truncatula
  • Fasciola hepatica
  • environment


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