Multiple pathways of integration: Acculturative change and associations with school adjustment in immigrant-origin adolescents

Jessie Hillekens*, Gülseli Baysu, Karen Phalet

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Tracing developmental pathways of immigrant-origin adolescents, this 3-year longitudinal study (2012–2015) examined within-person changes in cultural orientations and their consequences for school adjustment. Multivariate latent growth mixture modeling confirmed multiple pathways of integration, revealing variable acculturative changes along dual trajectories of heritage and mainstream orientations among European-origin (N = 592, Mage = 14.45, 55.1% boys) and Turkish- and Moroccan-origin adolescents (N = 1269, Mage = 14.70, 53.1% boys). Two trajectories for European-origin adolescents differed in heritage orientations (high decreasing and low increasing); for Turkish- and Moroccan-origin adolescents, three trajectories differed in mainstream orientations (high stable, low increasing, and high decreasing). Acculturative change affected aspects of later school adjustment: European-origin adolescents in high heritage orientation trajectories reported more belonging and emotional engagement; Turkish- and Moroccan-origin adolescents in high mainstream orientation trajectories reported more behavioral engagement.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to) 544-562
JournalChild Development
Issue number2
Early online date25 Nov 2022
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2023


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