Nonresident Father Involvement with Children and Divorced Women's Likelihood of Remarriage

Catherine B. McNamee, Paul Amato, Valarie King

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterpeer-review


    Although remarriage is a relatively common transition, we know little about how nonresident fathers affect divorced mothers’ entry into remarriage. Using the 1979-2010 rounds of the National Longitudinal Study of Youth 1979, we examined the likelihood of remarriage for divorced mothers (n=882) by nonresident father contact with children and payment of child support. The findings suggest that maternal remarriage is positively associated with nonresident father contact but not related to receiving child support.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusUnpublished - 2014
    EventPopulation Association of America Annual Meeting - Massachusetts, Boston, United States
    Duration: 01 May 201403 May 2014


    ConferencePopulation Association of America Annual Meeting
    Country/TerritoryUnited States


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