Nurse practitioner and physician collaboration in long-term care homes: Survey results

F. Donald, E.A. Mohide, A. DiCenso, M. Stephenson, N. Akhtar-Danesh, K. Brazil

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

19 Citations (Scopus)


This survey assessed the extent of and satisfaction with collaboration between physicians and nurse practitioners (NPs) working in Ontario long-term care homes. Questionnaires, which included the Measure of Current Collaboration and Provider Satisfaction with Current Collaboration instruments, were mailed to NPs and physicians with whom the NP most frequently worked. The 14 matched-pairs of NPs and physicians reported similar levels of collaboration; however, physicians were significantly more satisfied with collaboration than were NPs (z = -2.67, p = 0.008). The majority of physicians (85%) and NPs (86%) indicated that collaboration was occurring, and 96 per cent of physicians and 79 per cent of NPs were satisfied with their collaboration. About one third of physicians reported that the NP had a negative effect on their income, but their satisfaction with collaboration did not differ from those who reported a positive effect. Overall, these physicians and NPs collaborate in delivering care and are satisfied with their collaboration.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)77-87
Number of pages11
JournalCanadian Journal on Aging
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 01 Mar 2009

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