Parametric scalings of laser driven protons using a high repetition rate tape drive target system

Muhammad Noaman-ul-Haq, Hamad Ahmed, Thomas Sokollik, Yuan Fang, Xulei Ge, Xiaohui Yuan, Liming Chen

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A series of experiments were carried out using the 200 TW laser facility at LLP SJTU aiming to explore parametric scalings of laser driven protons employing a low cost and stable high repetition rate tape drive target system. For numerous laser shots at a repetition rate of ∼0.2 Hz with maximum laser intensity up to ∼5 × 1019 W/cm proton beams maximum energy were measured for variations in laser energy, focal spot and pulse duration. The data suggests that the proton maximum energy scales as I∼0.6 while changing the incident laser energy. Scaling trends are in good agreement with the previously reported experimental results and theoretical models. This study may provide a platform to investigate the characteristics of proton beams, such as source size and angular dispersion at a repetition rate required for many potential applications.
Original languageEnglish
JournalNuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research - Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors, and Associated Equipment
Early online date01 Mar 2018
Publication statusEarly online date - 01 Mar 2018


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