Parametric study of nonlinear electrostatic waves in two-dimensional quantum dusty plasmas

S. Ali, W.M. Moslem, Ioannis Kourakis, P.K. Shukla

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26 Citations (Scopus)


The nonlinear properties of two-dimensional cylindrical quantum dust-ion-acoustic (QDIA) and quantum dust-acoustic (QDA) waves are studied in a collisionless, unmagnetized and dense (quantum) dusty plasma. For this purpose, the reductive perturbation technique is employed to the quantum hydrodynamical equations and the Poisson equation, obtaining the cylindrical Kadomtsev–Petviashvili (CKP) equations. The effects of quantum diffraction, as well as quantum statistical and geometric effects on the profiles of QDIA and QDA solitary waves are examined. It is found that the amplitudes and widths of the nonplanar QDIA and QDA waves are significantly affected by the quantum electron tunneling effect. The addition of a dust component to a quantum plasma is seen to affect the propagation characteristics of localized QDIA excitations. In the case of low-frequency QDA waves, this effect is even stronger, since the actual form of the potential solitary waves, in fact, depends on the dust charge polarity (positive/negative) itself (allowing for positive/negative potential forms, respectively). The relevance of the present investigation to metallic nanostructures is highlighted.
Original languageEnglish
Article number023007
Pages (from-to)023007/1-023007/15
Number of pages15
JournalNew Journal of Physics
Publication statusPublished - 06 Feb 2008

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Physics and Astronomy


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