Performance of Unsaturated Compacted Clay Under Repeated Loading Effects of Confining Pressure, Initial Compaction Effort and Water Content

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    113 Citations (Scopus)


    While a significant number of geotechnical structures are subjected to static loading, many, such as avement subgrade, also are subjected to cyclic or dynamic loading. While the performance of saturated soils under repeated, cyclic or dynamic loading conditions is still a topic of research, similar interests are growing when the soilcondition is unsaturated. This paper examines the performance of unsaturated soils under repeated loading. As part of the research, a triaxial system was developed which incorporates small strain measurements using Hall-effect transducers, in addition to suction measurements taken using a psychrometer. Tests were conducted on samples of kaolin under constant water mass conditions. The results address the effects of compaction effort and water content at the time of compaction on the overall performance of unsaturated soils, under different amplitudes of loading and different confining pressures. The results show that suction in the sample reduced with increasing number of loading cycles of the same magnitude. The resilient modulus initially increased with increasing water content up to approximately optimum water content, and substantially reduced with further increase in water content. Key Words: suction, resilient modulus, subgrade, repeated loading, small strain measurements, compaction.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)1-12
    Number of pages12
    Publication statusPublished - May 2013


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