Personalised goals via mHealth technology to increase physical activity in cancer survivors: Moving On Study.

Jane Walsh, Jenny Groarke, Owen Harney, Janice Richmond, Mary Grace Kelly, Liam Glynn

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterpeer-review


Background: A significant proportion of cancer survivors are overweight, having implications for increased risk of subsequent and secondary cancers. The aim of this study is to examine the effect of a personalised goals using mobile technology to increase physical activity with a view to improving long term health outcomes. Methods: 123 cancer survivors (BMI>25) were randomly assigned to control (n=61) or intervention (n=62). All participants received a FitBit to assess physical activity (step count). Intervention participants attended a 4-hour education session with physiotherapist, dietician and clinical psychologist to support self-management of weight loss. In addition the intervention group received personalised goals (+10% weekly) to increase step count which they could track using the FitBit. Step count was remotely monitored also and both feedback and incrementally increasing goals were set for participants via SMS. The control group received standard care and their FitBit screen was blank so did not permit self-monitoring. Follow-up data on step count, anthropometric, physiological, and psychological measures was collected for both groups at 3 and 6 months. Findings: Significant interactions revealed increases in physical activity and reduction in weight and BMI (p<.05) in the intervention participants compared with controls at follow-up. Significant improvements in psychological outcomes (e.g. social functioning, emotional wellbeing) were also observed. Discussion: Personalised goal setting using mobile technology was effective in increasing physical activity, reducing weight and improving psychological outcomes in cancer survivors.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2019
Event33rd Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society - Dubrovnik, Croatia
Duration: 03 Sept 201907 Sept 2019


Conference33rd Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society


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