Physical Activity Guidelines for the Brazilian Population: Development and Methods

Brazilian Physical Activity Guidelines Working Group

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BACKGROUND: This article describes the process and methods used in the development of the first ever Physical Activity Guidelines for the Brazilian Population.

METHODS: The steering committee established 8 working groups based on other guidelines and the Brazilian agenda for public health and physical activity (PA) promotion: (1) understanding PA; (2) children up to 5 years; (3) children and youth (6-17 y); (4) adults; (5) older adults (60 years and above); (6) physical education at school; (7) pregnant and postpartum women; and (8) people with disabilities. Working groups were formed to (1) synthesize the literature on each topic; (2) conduct workshops with stakeholders, health professionals, researchers, and the public; and (3) prepare a draft chapter for open online consultation.

RESULTS: The document provides guidance for the population on the benefits of being active and recommendations regarding the amount (frequency, intensity, and duration) of PA recommended across all chapters. It also includes information on supporting networks for PA.

CONCLUSIONS: The PA guidelines are widely accessible in Portuguese, including versions in English, Spanish, audiobook, and Braille, and will assist policy makers and professionals from several sectors to promote PA. The ultimate goal is to increase population levels of PA in Brazil.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages7
JournalJournal of Physical Activity and Health
Early online date13 Apr 2022
Publication statusEarly online date - 13 Apr 2022


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