Physical Modelling of an Array of 25 Heaving Wave Energy Converters to Quantify Variation of Response and Wave Conditions

Peter Troch, Vasiliki Stratigaki, Tim Stallard, David Forehand, Matthew Folley, Jens Peter Kofoed, Michel Benoit, Aurelien Babarit, David Gallach-Sanchez, Lieselot De Bosscher, Pieter Rauwoens, Bjoern Elsaesser, Paul Lamont-Kane, Peter McCallum, Cameron McNatt, Elisa Angelelli, Arthur Percher, Efrain Carpintero Moreno, Sarah Bellew, Emmanuel DombreFrancois Charrayre, Marc Vantorre, Jens Kirkegaard, Stefan Carstensen

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Experiments have been performed in the Shallow Water Wave Basin of DHI, in Denmark, on large arrays of up to 25 heaving point absorbers for a range of layout configurations and wave conditions. Float response and modification of the wave field are measured to provide data suitable for the evaluation of array interaction models and environmental scale models. Each wave energy converter unit has a diameter of 0.315 m and power absorption is due to friction of both a power take off system and bearings. Response is measured on all floats and surge force on five floats. Wave gauges are located within and around the array. Wave conditions studied include regular waves and both long- and short-crested irregular waves. A rectilinear arrangement of support structures is employed such that several float configurations can be studied. A summary is presented of the experimental arrangement with particular emphasis on the individual wave energy converters and wave conditions employed. Reasonable agreement is observed between measured response for single floats and power output and float response predicted using a linear time domain model. For an array of 25 floats, up to 16.3% reduction of significant wave height is observed down-wave and 10.8% increase observed upwave for unidirectional irregular waves due to wave radiation by the heaving WECs. Spectra at different locations within and around the array show the wave field modifications.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2013
Event10th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference - Aalborg, Denmark
Duration: 02 Sept 201305 Sept 2013


Conference10th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference


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