Popular music as the nation’s business

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


Much of global popular music and its associated economy emanates from UK/US and the wider Europe. However, other forms of pop music have been gaining global relevance. One such is Reggae. This paper analyses how, despite reggae being a global creative form, its local message of redemption and lower class origin hinder its utilisation cultural value by Jamaican policymakers, despite the adoption of a creative industries policy discourse. The paper highlights the possible differentiation between the local status of a creative industry and its status internationally; and its impact on creative industries policy support. The significance of this lies in its application to other creative economy development projects and the contradictions inherent in the differences between cultural and economic value of creative sectors.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusAccepted - 2016
EventCrossroads in Cultural Studies Conference. - University of Western Sydney, Sydney, Australia
Duration: 14 Dec 201617 Dec 2016


ConferenceCrossroads in Cultural Studies Conference.
Abbreviated titleCrossroads
Internet address


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