Post-conflict Belfast sliced and diced: the case of the Gaeltacht Quarter

Siun Carden

    Research output: Working paper


    This paper considers the recent proliferation of Belfast‘s =Quarters‘ as part of global trends towards the theming of city space, and as a response to the particular situation of Belfast at the beginning of the twenty-first century. It focuses on the Gaeltacht Quarter, a site that exemplifies the difficulty of applying the internationally popular model of cultural difference as a resource for the production of tourist revenue to the context of contested cities. The =quartering‘ of Belfast is represented as a response to post-industrial and post-conflict predicaments this city shares with many others. I consider how the urban context is sometimes exploited, as in exhortations to investors and tourists to contribute to Belfast‘s transformation from =a city of two halves‘ to =a city of seven quarters‘, and sometimes obscured, as in the recent re-invention of the Quarters as remnants of the city‘s distant past.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 2011

    Publication series

    NameContested Cities and the Contested State


    • urban regeneration, tourism, Irish language, Belfast, urban anthropology, divided cities


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