Poster abstract: Next generation of 3D-printed drug eluting meshes for tissue engineering applications

Francesca Corduas, Dimitrios A. Lamprou, Eneko Larrañeta, Elena Mancuso

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterpeer-review

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Surgical meshes have been widely employed since the start of 900s for the treatment of pathological conditions, including hernia and pelvic floor dysfunctions, wound healing and breast reconstruction after mastectomy. Up to now, commercial meshes are mainly made of polypropylene (PP), with their use often associated with several side effects such as infections and pain, which in most of the cases lead to mesh removal. Moreover, stress shielding related to the employment of stiffer meshes must not be underestimated due to the subsequent erosion of the surrounding tissue that eventually could result in the device explantation. Considering these issues, new material-based strategies should be implemented to design and develop mesh implants with better biomechanical properties and antibacterial potential. Additive manufacturing (AM), and particularly extrusion-based 3D printing, can be a powerful tool to produce safer surgical meshes, guaranteeing customisation of the final product and to allow a direct inclusion of antibacterial agents in the raw material formulation.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusAccepted - 15 Sept 2020
Event2020 UKICRS Virtual Symposium - Online
Duration: 14 Oct 202014 Oct 2020


Conference2020 UKICRS Virtual Symposium
Internet address


  • 3D Printing
  • Mesh implants
  • Drug Delivery
  • Tissue engineering


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