Probabilistically nilpotent groups of class two

Sean Eberhard*, Pavel Shumyatsky

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For G a finite group, let d2(G) denote the proportion of triples (x,y,z) ∈ G3 such that [x,y,z]=1. We determine the structure of finite groups G such that d2(G) is bounded away from zero: if d2(G)≥ ϵ >0, G has a class-4 nilpotent normal subgroup H such that [G : H] and |γ4(H)| are both bounded in terms of ϵ. We also show that if G is an infinite group whose commutators have boundedly many conjugates, or indeed if G satisfies a certain more general commutator covering condition, then G is finite-by-class-3-nilpotent-by-finite.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages24
JournalMathematische Annalen
Early online date25 Jan 2023
Publication statusEarly online date - 25 Jan 2023


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