PROTOCOL: The support needs of families living with parental mental illness: A qualitative systematic review

Emma Loudon*, Gavin Davidson, Kathryn Higgins, Anne Grant

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This is the protocol for a Campbell systematic review. The objectives are as follows: To review existing qualitative research on the experiences of families living with parental mental illness from the perspective of (i) children, (ii) parents who have a mental illness) and (ii) the well parent. To synthesise qualitative evidence on the experience of living with parental mental illness and the experience of and attitude towards services from the perspective of (i) children, (ii) parents who have a mental illness and (ii) the well parent in order to develop the understanding of the needs of families and the implications for service provision.
Original languageEnglish
Article numbere1267
JournalCampbell Systematic Reviews
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 08 Sept 2022




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