Quantification of wind curtailment on a medium-sized power system and mitigation using municipal water pumping load

Rónán Davison-Kernan, Xueqin Liu, Sean McLoone, Brendan Fox

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The issues of climate change and dependence on fuel imports as well as a good local wind resource have led to a significant expansion of wind generation on the power system of Ireland in recent years, with further development planned. As it operates on a relatively small and isolated system, Irish wind generation must be carefully managed to mitigate its variable nature. This could lead to significant curtailment of wind power for system stability reasons, undermining the economic case for wind generation and reducing its effectiveness at displacing traditional, fossil-fired generation. This work quantifies the potential curtailment that might be seen on the future Irish and other power systems under several different scenarios, and presents Demand Side Management (DSM) as a tool to reduce curtailment. DSM of a water supply system is investigated to this end, as well as the inputs that would be necessary for such a system in order to benefit both the water system operator and the power system as a whole.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)499-507
JournalRenewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Early online date12 Jun 2019
Publication statusPublished - 01 Sept 2019


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